November 26, 2021

Venting - Java's Optional

After reading Matt's tip for academic blogging, I decided to hop on tip 4, Vented steam as post, and focus my concerns around the design of Java's Optional type and the capacity for misuse from junior/inexperienced Java engineers. A quick Google…

December 29, 2020

Debugging Memory Exceptions in Java - Part I

It's been about a year since I published a post. From First Sunday of Advent: I'll try to post a daily update; hopefully, a new generative piece everyday explaining the logic behind the engineering decisions and what I've learned. Hahahahaha. Abort…

December 04, 2019

Randomly Walking, Normally

To celebrate the glorious third day of Advent, after playing hooky the second day (ssshhh), I wanted to tackle Nature of Code's assignment on Gaussian distribution: A Gaussian random walk is defined as one in which the step size (how far the object…

December 03, 2019

First Sunday of Advent

Every year, in anticipation of Christmas, our church would commence the use an Advent calendar to countdown the days until the 25th of December. Apart from it's religious purpose, the Advent calendar would let me, a young boy, know when that special…

April 10, 2019

Bellman's Curse

Seconds after I wrote this title, as corny as it may be, I stumbled upon a Wikipedia subheading, Curse of dimensionality. In order to divert graduate students early, and to prevent scaring my targeted demographic, we're not in that deep yet. There…

February 07, 2019

Composing the Composite Pattern

This is Part 2 of a series concerning Design Patterns. In case you missed the previous articles in this series, you can find them over here: Part 1: Acting in Proxy I first encountered the Composite pattern when learning about new design patterns in…

October 16, 2018

Acting in Proxy

This is Part 1 of a series concerning Design Patterns. For the past month, I've been researching design patterns, and I promised myself that I would do more than scribbling down notes only to later shuffle them under my desk for 2022 me to find them…

August 06, 2018

The Beginning

This space has been empty for quite a while Until today Today, I dive into the ideas, the creations, my poorly derived notions, and my fascinations I'm not much of an essayist, more of a scribbler But, this is where I'll forge my thoughts on design…

August 06, 2018

Type Erasure in Java

Type erasure in Java is a concept that has always eluded me. I will read a StackOverflow answer on the topic, and I'll be more lost than Chuck Noland. I decided to research the issue deeper when I stumbled upon an IDE warning in IntelliJ: Unchecked…

© 2021, Johan Oakes